5 Tips for Helping College Students Manage Their Time

by Jeff Jordan

College is a huge investment that you can’t afford to waste time and money on. Despite that more and more and more students are failing to finish all their classes each year. Some even just fail them altogether. It doesn’t matter if it is a community college or a four year state school, the trend is getting worse. Managing your time is crucial to your success. Here are tricks to help you with it.

Do you have a job?

Ideally you wouldn’t have to work much while in college, but let’s face it, life isn’t ideal at all, so you probably have to work. If you work 40 hours a week and attend college this is almost a sure fire burnout disaster. People who work 40 hours a week have the biggest chance of not finishing classes. If it all possible, try to get by on fewer work hours.

Don’t overload it.

I have seen so many students try to cram 15 or 18 hours into a semester that they can’t really handle. Sure you want to be done with school (although why I don’t know) but if you take more classes then you can handle you are really setting yourself back in the end. It is better to take one or two classes fewer and pass them all then waste money and time and fail. Another factor to consider is if you are taking any classes that are difficult for you. Let’s say you aren’t good in math and are taking Algebra, you might consider taking less hours so you can devote more time to Algebra.

Attend an online university.

If you do have to work while in college, then an online university is a great option for you. This is also a great option if you have a crazy schedule or children to care for. The advantage here should be obvious. You can work online whenever you have free time rather than having to maintain a strict classroom schedule.

Use Your Professor

Most professors have office hours set aside where you can go for free help and tutoring.  I have heard many of them complain that students do not use this resource but complain when they fail. Even talking to the T.A. can help. This also has an added benefit as well. It shows the instructor you are trying hard to pass their class and this will make them far more likely to work with you or cut you some slack if you need help.

Know Thyself.

Knowing (and being honest about) your nature and habits can help a lot. Are you a morning or evening person? Don’t take an 8 A.M. class if you hate mornings. You won’t make it through, I know from experience. Do you study better at night? Do you prefer to work weekends or weekdays?

While college is never easy there are plenty of things you can do to make it easier on yourself. All of these above things can help.

This post was written by Jeff Jordan

Jeff Jordan lives, writes and keeps it real in sunny Southern California. He writes about education and university life. One online univerity to look into is Trident University.

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

mr. cool November 7, 2012 at 12:08 pm

Thank you for this…I love reading about this stuff….


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