Best Associate’s Degrees for Community College Transfers in 2013

by Chad Agrawal

If you were to ask students what they hope to get out of the community college experience, the answer you would probably receive most often is that they would like to transfer four-year college to complete a bachelor's degree after finishing their general education.

Along the way, some may learn how to become a top student at community college, earning top grades to ensure transfer to the university of choice, and perhaps even arm themselves with an associate's degree at the community college level.

Although a small percentage of community college students plan to enter the workforce with only a two year associates degree (A.A.), and some with test for certification or licensure based on the education they receive at community college, many ambitious students are looking to utilize the opportunity to save some money, improve grades, and transfer from community college to an Ivy League university.

With the increasing interest for community college transfer opportunities, more and more community colleges are starting to expand the degrees they offer thanks to increased demand by the student body.

And courses of the STEM variety (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) have become a popular choice in this troubling economy, likely due to the fact that they are some of the few fields enjoying growth.

STEM Degrees Available to Community College Students

Not every community college offers 2-year courses that will result in an AS (associate of science), an AAS (associate of applied science), or a related degree (like an associate of technical arts, for example).

These specific types of associate's degrees are offered by only certain community colleges, so if you are a student looking to obtain such a degree and get to work, or if you'd like the best chance of transferring to the science department at a prestigious 4-year school, then you'll almost certainly be interested to know where these specialized 2-year degrees may be found.

Since many schools are looking to expand in order to offer programs that students are most interested in, these degrees may soon be available at a community college near you.

But in the meantime, there are a couple of established degree programs for you to consider.

Community College Degrees In Environmental Science

Environmental science is one field that is of interest to many students due to the growing concern about the increasingly polluted state of our environment. And then there is the call for eco-friendly technologies, which experts expect will only escalate in the coming years.

Students interested in exploring this option will be glad to hear that Erie Community College in Buffalo, NY offers an AS of Environmental Science that will lend itself to fields like geology, biology, and forestry, as well as provide a path to further study.

Community College Degrees In Mechanical Engineering

Another degree that is likely to attract many students these days is an AS of Mechanical Engineering like the one offered at Gateway Community College in New Haven, CT.

Although a career in engineering will almost certainly call for further coursework and degrees, this preparatory step will give students with the fundamental knowledge needed to advance.

Community College Degrees In Architectural Design and Technology

Of course, you may be more interested in a field that allows you to pair technical knowledge with creative skills, in which case an AAS in Architectural Design and Technology may be more up your alley. You can find this option at Arapahoe Community College in Littleton, CO.

There are many other community colleges that offer such degrees in a wide variety of disciplines, so whether you're interested in going into telecommunications technology, geographic information systems (GIS), natural science, or Emeryville pharmaceutical services, for example, there is likely a program that can help you to reach your goals.

You'll simply have to see which community colleges offer the type of STEM associates degrees that will pave your way to success.

This post was written by Chad Agrawal

Chad Agrawal is the founder of CCTS, helping students transfer from community college to Ivy League, tier 1 or anywhere else by following this community college guide.

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Rika October 18, 2012 at 5:59 am

Hey, this is a great list. Thanks for sharing.


Chad Agrawal October 18, 2012 at 9:22 pm

Glad you liked it!


Jen October 18, 2012 at 12:09 pm

Great list of degrees 🙂


Chad Agrawal October 18, 2012 at 9:39 pm

Thanks Jen


hack sharecash April 12, 2013 at 10:56 am

You have brought up a very great details , regards for the post.


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