Finding Summer Jobs For Teens

by A Guest Author

Competition in the job market is fierce since the economic downturn and no group is harder hit than teenagers. While overall unemployment rates have slowly been dropping, the rate for teens has actually risen. Here are some tips for teens and their parents to give them an edge.

Social Media

Use facebook to spread the word to all your contacts that you’re looking for a job. At least one status update each day should remind everyone, and pointedly ask if they know of someone looking for help.Don’t worry about being annoying, you have to be on everybody’s mind so that when their paths cross with someone who has an opportunity that fits you, they think of you immediately. I know this from working in the yachting industry. There are numerous crew agencies in Fort Lauderdale. After an initial interview and setting up a file with a resume and photo, they tell the crew member to call in every single day and say, “I’m still looking for a job.” This way, they pull your file and quickly scan their current list of positions and try to match you. You have to be a squeaky wheel.

Parents Need to Network Too

Parents should go through their contact lists and pick out anyone who has a business that may need help over the summer. Make a list of leads for your teen to call. Help them by practicing what they would say on the phone to introduce themselves, how to ask, and how to graciously thank your friend for taking their call even if they say no. These are skills that will help them in interviews too. Do some role playing. Letting your teen practice describing their skills will give them more confidence when they have to do it for real.

Look Online

Search for companies in your area and find the human resources page on their website. Often it will list job availabilities and requirements, however it makes sense to enquire as to whether they have summer employment opportunities for teenagers.
There are also many online resources to use. The US Department of Labor has a site specifically for summer jobs. Also try these sites: and

Whatever Won’t Cut It

Teens are stereotyped as apathetic so to make an impression go in with gusto. Stand up straight, look your interviewer in the eye, offer a handshake and appear interested. This may seem obvious to adults but to a teen who is used to answering pointed questions with a shoulder shrug, perhaps not so much. Always follow up an interview with a phonecall thanking the interviewer for the opportunity to discuss the job. This lets them know that you are serious.

Dress The Part

Don’t just dress to impress an interviewer, think about who the customers are. If you are applying at a skateboard shop, your tattoos and lip piercing may be perfectly appropriate, but if you are trying to land a job stocking shelves in a gourmet food market, the clientele might not be as comfortable with that look.

About The Author:

Mark Weatherford is a high school English teacher and father who understand the difficulty in getting teens a summer job. He loves to write and often covers topics ranging from parenting tips to advice on writing college essays.

Photo Credit: waltarrrrr

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