Instant Messaging Benefits and Disadvantages

by A Guest Author

Big companies online and wireless application service providers offers a wide range of add-on features to their employees. These services get added to their everyday calling plan and are usually very easy to incorporate on their mobile.  Some features include services like miPayslip, miMUSIC, miPRAYER, miStatement, games, weather application the list goes on and on.

Some people use wireless application services at time simply because they don’t want to stay behind with technology and sometimes to escape away from boredom when they are away from home, features like an interesting game on your mobile can somehow so making them self by playing interesting game on their telephone might just do the truck and that is one of the reasons why cellular usages has grown and continue to grow at a very steady pace.

So many young people uses instant messaging features and maybe one of the main reason why this has become the most popular feature on cellphones not only because it is very easy to use and its sense of privacy but also because of its amazing instantaneous transmission, meaning people can communicate by exchanging text messages, images, video, sound etc.. Messages are sent in real time and get receive on an instant from one person to the next.  Making this feature if is one of the best ways to keep in touch with friends and family they are some advantages and disadvantages associated with this technology.

Advantages include:

Sending and receiving instant messages

  1. Message can be sent easily and privately without having to spend a fortune or create a high cell phone bill
  2. Photos can be sent on an instant
  3. Emotions can be express easily when communicating with a person.
  4. It is almost the same as talking to someone face to face
  5. On some smart phones it is possible to chat to multiple people at once therefore making it easier for people to work in groups so school children at college can ask questions to their peer without having to go to the lecture.
  6.  My favorite advantage of the all is that it makes it possible for people to keep contact and chat to each other even if you are in different countries without having to pay a lot of money.
  7. You have full control of who you can to contact you or not by simply adding them or blocking them on your mobile.

Disadvantages include:

  1. Viruses can easily be spread via texting
  2. Can be distracting and can  kill productivity if  using it at work
  3. Children tend to spend more time chatting to friends on their mobile instead of to bonding with their family who at time will be sitting next to them.

About the Author

Blandine works for a leading mobile application development company and enjoy researching and writing out the latest trends in mobile technologies especially wireless application services.


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