Are the rumors true?! Can you transfer to Ivy League from community college? At the end of this post, you can expect to have a clear idea of whether you can successfully transfer to Ivy League universities or not.
Let's get started. First thing first, transferring to an Ivy League university from community college is possible and it's doable for anyone who has the desire and drive. To transfer to Ivy League universities, you just need to prove that you deserve to be there. Community college gives students who couldn't necessarily get into Ivy League universities from high school a second chance to do well at community college and from there, transfer to Ivy League.
If you're interested in transferring to Ivy League, then you're going to have to do extremely well at community college. I'm not saying that it's super difficult, but it's challenging and you've got to be ready for it. Anyone who tells you that transferring from community college to Ivy League is easy is not being truthful and may just not understand the process.
However, it will be a lot easier if you know what to do and if you have what it takes. That's why I put together a 19 page community college transfer guide so that you can be prepared to transfer to Ivy League from community college. And in this post, I will be going over what you need to transfer to Ivy League from community college.
What You Need to Transfer from Community College to Ivy League
Academic excellence
The first thing you need to transfer from community college to Ivy League is stellar grades.
Your academics show that you value your education and that you want to learn and that you're going to take advantage of the great education that Ivy League universities can provide.
A 4.0 GPA at community college will definitely help you transfer from community college to Ivy League.
But for the average student, getting a 4.0 GPA at community college might sound a little crazy.
To learn more about getting a 4.0 at community college, read about:
How to be a top student at community college >>
Once you've taken the steps to secure high academic grades, you're also going to need to prepare for something that may not have been as welcoming or "fun" in high school.
You're also going to need...
Outstanding standardized test scores
If your SAT scores were not very good in high school, you can, and should, retake your SATs in community college.
This gives you the option to show Ivy League admissions officers that although you did not do your best in high school, you are serious enough to study for your SATs again and score highly on it.
When studying for your SATs, you should be aiming for at least a 2100 in order to transfer from community college to Ivy League.
To learn more, read about:
Retaking your SATs in community college and scoring above the 95th percentile >>
But that's not all, having strong academics and great SAT scores is just the beginning.
What you do at community college matters a lot. So don't waste your time with worthless credits that transfer to only certain schools. Make sure you're challenging yourself in community college classes and taking transferable courses to Ivy League universities. Like I said, that's just the beginning. It's up to you to make it a phenomenal community college experience and transfer to Ivy League universities. Preparing yourself for this journey is essential, don't leave it to luck- go in with a plan.
This will help you as you write a great transfer application in order to make the jump to transfer from community college to the Ivy League institution of your choice.
To learn more about how you can have an amazing community college experience, and transfer from community college to Ivy League, click here.