Community college tends to have a bad reputation. Even NBC created a sitcom chronicling every negative stereotype people think of when the words “community” and “college” are put together. However, attending community college might be the wisest decision you will ever make. Admission counselors at 4-year colleges are inundated with thousands of applicants from high school seniors who have similar characteristics, essays, and SAT scores. It is difficult to make […]
Choosing Your College
There are two ways that students can go about completing their career in nursing. First, students can choose to enroll in a community college, complete the first part of the nursing program and transfer into a college degree — and second, students can enroll in the college degree program from the beginning. With each method, there are benefits and drawbacks — and questions to ask about the education. Are you […]
Did you know that students transfer to Ivy League from community college every year? That means you can transfer to Dartmouth University after just 2 years at community college. It’s a fantastic opportunity and quite achievable, as long as you’re willing to put in the work to get accepted. To transfer to Dartmouth from CC, you’ll want to have a well thought out action plan or guide to help you stay focused in […]
To be a Howard University transfer, there are several requirements you have to satisfy. For both community college transfers and 4-year-schools, transfer students must have at least 15 transferrable credit hours and earned a cumulative GPA of 2.5. However, that just might not be enough to gain admission into Howard University. The college is as rich in history as an Ivy League school and located right in Washington, D.C.. The […]
As a huge community college advocate, it just makes sense to me. If you’re going into criminal justice, why not earn your associates degree in community college, then transfer to Ivy League, tier 1 or any other university you want. Most people will say that community college sucks and transferring is too difficult. However, that’s simply not true. Earning your associates degree and transferring from community college can be an […]
Becoming a nurse is huge decision and now that you have made it, there are ways that you can prepare yourself for this rewarding but challenging career. Personal Character Your personal character is important to know before becoming a nurse. You have to be able to work well with people and be very patient. This is a career that can be very stressful, so being able to handle work under […]
Though most people can do at least a little cooking, the truth is that cooking is a skill like any other. Some people have a natural knack for it, some people are amazing at it, but everyone can get better than they are. Culinary school is intended to help people who have a professional interest in cooking, whether they want to work in the restaurant industry or they want to […]
As the recent 2008 recession –the Great Recession—has shown everybody very clearly, not just any college degree is enough to guarantee successful employment in a career of some kind. Despite holding B.As, legal degrees and numerous other high profile and highly expensive titles from major schools, millions of graduates were left without job prospects, some of them still being in the same situation. Worst of all, in addition to having […]
Community colleges have played a fundamental role in empowering the youth with sustainable higher education. Indeed, their role in both local and international development can never be overlooked and especially when it comes to the delivery of competent professional manpower. New Jersey in particular has been a U.S stronghold in the provision of higher learning education through well versed and highly equipped learning institutions. At the moment, the state boasts […]
Sometimes things happen in your life that throw you off track, or maybe you never found the right track to begin with. This happens all the time to all types of people in the United States. People from all backgrounds may one day find themselves at a point where they don’t know what to do or where to go next. Getting an education is the key to your future and […]
When I first started promoting this site back in 2010, I had spent a lot of time on twitter. Unfortunately, if you search for the term “community college” on twitter, there are a lot of people that do hate on community college. Initially, it really bothered me that so many people hate on community college. Then, it became funny to me… I read a tweet by a freshman girl who […]
Are you planning on attending community college? Smart move, but are you worried about how much does community college cost? Obviously, it is a lot cheaper than going to a 4-year college. Yet, I totally understand wanting to know the actual costs so I decided to write this post. In this post, we will consider how much community college costs in regards to tuition, living and other general expenses. It […]
Can’t decide whether you’re going to spend your first year of higher education at community college or university? You know that community college can be a smart option, but you might be concerned about giving up a great college experience because of the idea that community college will not have the same social life and party scene as a university. You might think that you will get stuck at community […]
Community colleges are 2-year degree institutions. They offer associates degrees and the opportunity to transfer to NYU, UPenn, Harvard and other top universities. But, you might be wondering, how long does it take to transfer from community college? In this post, you’ll get an idea of how long it usually takes to transfer from community college. Additionally, I’ll share with you some insight about finishing in one year, two years or […]
Does everyone get into community college? It is supposed to be really easy right? Not exactly. Community colleges are great 2-year options for students to transfer to 4-year-colleges, including Ivy League and Tier 1 schools. However, they are still colleges that require an admissions decision, rejected or accepted. In most cases, you will not be rejected from community college as you would at top universities. Instead, you will be considered ineligible due […]