Are you thinking about going to community college? You already know that community college will save you a ton of money, but are concerned about community college transfer problems? Without a doubt, your concerns are very real. I remember being skeptical about this myself before learning all about how to be a successful community college transfer student.
In this post, you will get an overview of five common community college transfer problems that students meet. You'll also find a simple solution to avoid all these problems and have a smooth transfer from community college to Ivy League, Tier 1 or anywhere else.
Community College Transfer Problems To Avoid
1. Lack of Confidence. The first problem you might meet is having a lack of confidence in yourself. To be a successful community college transfer student, you have to be confident in yourself. If you believe that you belong somewhere, others are likely to assume it's true. On the other hand, if you aren't sure that you deserve admission to the universities you apply to, how can admissions officers look past that?
2. Thinking Small. Community college is your chance to redo any mistakes made in high school and get a fresh start. This can mean retaking you SAT's or becoming a top student in community college. Now is the time to dream big and aim to transfer to Harvard, Yale or Cornell. Thinking small is a good way to throw away an amazing opportunity, so make sure to look at the big picture!
3. Lack of Planning. When transferring from community college, having a plan is absolutely critical. A well laid out plan can mean the difference between having all your credits transfer or taking an extra semester. You don't want to take an extra semester just due to overlooking a few details, right? Planning and keeping track of logistics such as requirements, deadlines, and paperwork will make your life so much easier.
4. Poor Academics. Above all, students struggle most when they do not succeed academically. Having a poor academic record will narrow your opportunities. On the flip side, it can open up your passion for learning and unleash an abundance of opportunity.
5. Weak Transfer Application. To transfer to university successfully, you are competing with transfers from other community colleges and 4-year colleges. You want to have an application that is highly competitive. A weak application can make your admissions process way more difficult because you will risk being lost in the crowd.
To fix all this, get my community college guide! You'll skip the troubles of every other community college transfer student. It can help you whether you want to transfer to Ivy League schools, Tier 1 schools or even your localĀ Christian college in Michigan.