Technology has had an impact on every aspect of modern civilization, and education is no exception. The increased difficulty in keeping students interested and involved combined with the importance of technology training in overall success has revolutionized classrooms around the country. Gone are the days of chalkboards, textbooks, and pages of notes. They have been replaced, or at least supplemented by interactive whiteboards, e-texts, interactive virtual demonstrations, podcasts, and more. Are these changes for the better or worse? Only time will tell and opinions are highly divided on the topic. Below is a discussion of the changes that have occurred, the reasons behind such changes, and where the future is likely to lead.
Effects of Technology on Learning
Because today’s students are immersed in electronic stimulation from birth, they often have shorter attention spans and are much less likely to be engaged by such activities as reading silently or working from a book. Since they are used to the bright colors, extreme movement, and stimulating sounds of television, movies, video games, and computers, they must have the same sort of stimulation in order to become invested in learning.
The shorter attention span that comes from being over stimulated by media has created a need for shorter, more interesting assignments. It has also created an environment in which students have lost interest in reading and completing silent, repetitive tasks. Since this was the foundation for much teaching in the past, teachers have had to take a new approach.
Effects of Technology on Teaching
Teachers and schools across the country have responded to these changes in learners by redesigning the processes of education. Teachers have stopped relying on reading assignments, practice worksheets, lectures, class discussions, and other old methods in favor of more stimulating, interactive choices. Where lessons of the past were delivered through teacher directed talk, modern lessons typically include a high level of visual stimulation. This is provided through interactive whiteboard lessons, video clips, and student discover activities on class computers or laptops. You can even earn your degree online with online nurse practitioners program.
Reading aloud in classes or small groups has largely replaced independent reading assignments because students cannot be depended on to complete reading on their own. Too many choose to watch television, play video games, or surf the Internet and their grades suffer as a result.
Homework assignments have undergone a transformation as well. Where past days saw students completing exercises on paper from the textbook, modern students are more likely to be required to complete a web project, a PowerPoint presentation, or some type of online practice.
What is the Future of Education?
While nobody can predict the future, it is certain that technology will continue to play an increasingly vital part in the landscape of education. As technology advances, teachers and schools will continue to find new ways in which to use it for the benefit of students and the delivery of instruction. Whether these changes are good or bad is yet to be determined. The only thing that is certain is that technology in the classroom seems to be here to stay.
About The Author:
Ses G. is a writer on all things technology.