Going to community college and earning a degree is one of the best ways for anyone to get ahead in the world. It's a commonly held belief that college graduates typically make more money, and some believe that these same individuals live a happier lifestyle. The cost of 2 years at community college and another 2 at university education can be overwhelming, but scholarships are available to help with the rising costs of tuition and fees. Unlike loans, grants and scholarships do not need to be repaid, but you must be sure that you know what you are getting into before you accept any scholarship.
Choose the Scholarships Wisely
One of the best ways to get a scholarship is by applying to the ones that best suit you - community college transfer scholarships. This will allow you to spend more of your creative energy on the concepts that you know really well. It is important that you take the time to do all of the necessary research regarding the community college transfer scholarship before applying. Some scholarships will require you to perform certain jobs in the future, force you to work in remote areas of the world, or require you to do certain things to keep the scholarship intact. If you take the time to apply to the ones that are meant for you, you will likely avoid any of these potential pitfalls.
Writing a Great Essay
When applying for a community college transfer scholarship, it is extremely important that you focus on your essay and edit until you cannot edit anymore. There will likely be many people vying for the same transfer scholarship, so you need to stay on topic throughout the entire essay. The scholarship committee is more likely to provide you with the scholarship if they can truly understand what you are writing about, and you have stayed on the topic. Do any research that is necessary to make your essay stand out from the rest of the candidates.
Most community college transfer scholarships also require candidates to major in certain fields. When applying for these types of scholarships, you really need to understand why you are going into the chosen field. Make your scholarship essay requirements as unique as possible. Be certain to keep your readers in mind when you are writing. It is highly unlikely that a group of professionals will give a scholarship to a young person that lacks the basic professional knowledge necessary to compete in our global society. Write your essays with knowledge, uniqueness, and specificity to the essay committee.
Meeting the Criteria
Before you invest all of this time to obtain a community college transfer scholarship, you must take the time to read and understand all of the criteria that are involved with the money. If you are unable to make a commitment to teach abroad, serve for several years without much pay, or do something else that you are not comfortable with, then do not apply for that scholarship.
A community college transfer scholarship is a great way to find your college education. You need to do your research and apply only to the scholarships that truly encompass who you are and what you can do. You also want to make certain that your degree will be accredited wherever you plan to live in the future.
Imagine transferring from community college to Ivy League on a scholarship and then realizing that your degree is not suitable where you live. If you are unsure of anything, ask questions before you apply. Be specific and think positively to get a great scholarship.
About The Author
This article was written by Karl Stockton for the team at kendall.edu. For those interested in culinary arts, contact Kendall for information about their culinary arts college.
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Check to see if your community college has partnerships with universities! For example, Bellevue University partners with many community colleges and it usually includes a waived application fee and a transfer grant among other benefits.