How to Give a Great Presentation

by A Guest Author

Do you have a work presentation coming up, a toast to give at a wedding or some event were you are expected to give a public speech? If you are nervous about having the spotlight on you, know that you are not alone; A recent study proves that public speaking is one of the top fears of American's.  If you struggle with the right words then these tips can help.  Instead of freezing up under pressure, you will feel composed and confident after applying these tips for public speaking.

Lighten Up

The first trick to a good presentation is to lighten up. Don’t take it or yourself to seriously. Even if you are giving the most important speech of your life, make sure to have fun with it. Experts suggest before going in front of an audience to separate yourself and quite the mind for a moment. If you go to a break room, the bathroom or a corner and compose yourself mentally this can help bust through any fear. You can even picture yourself speaking and having a good time. When you enjoy what you are doing you are more likely to do it well.

Be Confident

The trick to a great speech is preparation. Think of all of the famous speeches in history, they delivered the message with confidence, ease and grace. You to can wow your audience by preparing. Spend as much time as necessary practicing what you are going to say. The more you know the more you glow. Enjoy the process because before you know it, you speech will be over, and you may be thinking, "that was it, it's over."

Know your Audience

Make sure you understand the people you will be presenting to. Nothing is worse then going into a situation unprepared. And one of the fastest ways to get the boot is to not know your audience. Find out ahead of time what their likes and dislikes are and focus your message to their specific needs.


One of the best ways to make a great impression is to smile. People who smile are much more approachable. And when you have a presentation or speech to give, smiling during it will help you be more relatable to the audience.  People connect to others when they smile. Some people even whiten their teeth for big events. If you are preparing for a speech or presentations consider visiting your dentist for a teeth whitening consultations. Having bright pearly whites could just add an extra special touch to your event.

About the Post

For more health advice on how to get a white smile visit a General Dentist in Vancouver, Washington. Shannon Kaiser writes for doctors in Oregon.

This post was written by A Guest Author

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