If you are like the most community college students, you current plan is to transfer to a 4-year college or university after completing your 2-year associates degree. If you play your cards right in community college, you will have the opportunity to transfer to Ivy League, Tier 1, and other top universities. Even if you're not thinking about transferring to top schools right now, the more prepared you are for community college, the more likely it is that you will end up thinking about top schools down the road.
The best way to prepare for community college is to have a plan of action before you arrive, or as early as possible. This will give you a proactive approach to community college. Having a well thought out plan can help you increase you chances of transferring to UVA, NYU or any other school you are interested in attending. In fact, some students are able to transfer from community college to Harvard by following proven steps to success.
How To Prepare For Transfer Success
When you are starting community college, the adjustment period can be tough. Most students spend a large amount of time concerned with making new friends, having a fun experience in college, and working part time. However, you only have two years at community college before transferring, and three semesters before you send out transfer applications! That means wasting too much time on becoming adjusted can hurt your transfer options later on, so you'll need to look at starting college differently than a typical student.
To avoid struggling in community college, you should arm yourself with a plan that works. Instead of entering community college unsure of what to do with yourself and wasting valuable time, you can hit the ground running, giving yourself the chance to transfer to Ivy League or other top schools. Keeping this in mind, it is important to create a goal and dream big!
The Best Plan For Community College
If you are ready to skip the struggles of the average community college student, check out this community college guide. It will help you prepare for community college successfully by explaining what to do at community college that will lead to acceptance letters from top universities. You will learn how to become a top student, make yourself undeniably attractive to universities, and craft an outstanding transfer application.
This is the same plan that helped me transfer to NYU and thousands of students transfer to universities like Cornell, Upenn, Harvard and MIT. Quite simply, I do not think there is better way to prepare for community. Click here to learn more.
{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }
Nice article! Thanks 🙂
Im a university student who looking foward to transfer.
I read one of ur article about getting into cornell…
Im wondering even art major students need sat score to tranfer.
And i want to know if i still have a chance to get in. transferring requires a lot of things and it is so uncertain whether I can get in or not, i need a mentor or somebody who went through same route like me.
Hey Hye,
I’m glad to hear that you’re enjoying the articles 🙂
I’ve heard that students transfer to Cornell without very high SAT scores, but if you retake them and score well, it will help your chances.
About having someone as a mentor, that’s why I created my guide! This way, anyone can follow a proven plan to transfer to a top university. Although, you’re not in community college, I have no doubts that you will find great value in the action steps provided.
Best of luck,