One of the biggest challenges that a school administrator can face is how to raise funds for various school programs. The old way was to send kids out in their neighborhoods to sell cookies, candy bars and popcorn but today things have changed. First of all, schools do not want to just send kids out to sell anything door to door to strangers. Second, with people watching their finances, many people do not want to spend money on candy or chocolate even if the proceeds go to the school. The final element is the time it takes to get the goods and the money to the school. People would wait months to get what they ordered and the school would wait even longer since most of the funds were collected when the goods were delivered.
Today, schools need to find ways to raise the money they need by providing goods that people need and already buy, while getting the goods and the money quickly and easily. The solution is new age school fundraising like that at
With this type of fundraising, kids sell what people already buy. Things like restaurant cards, gift cards and online coupons. With these promotions, people can purchase what they need through the students they know and then 30% of the proceeds will go directly to the school.
How It Works
The way this program works is that the school provides the company with how much they want to raise and what partners they want to work with. If there are local companies that would like to participate, they can enroll easily and help with the fundraising efforts. Once the materials are in, the students have two weeks to sell and utilize as many opportunities as they can.
Depending on the type of delivery method, the buyer can receive their goods within a few days of the sale closing. Since the maximum time of the fundraiser is two weeks, if the delivery method is in the form of an online coupon, they will receive an email with the coupon code within 2 1/2 weeks of the date of sale. If they are getting a gift card in the mail, it will take a bit longer since this method uses snail mail, or the United States Postal Service.
Fundraising Made Easy
With the many new age fundraising ideas for schools, they can now begin to raise more money than ever before. It is a known fact that people support schools and people want to donate but many simply do not have the money. When schools incorporate things that people already buy into fundraising campaigns, they are more likely to donate to help out their local schools.
Kids do not need to go door to door to strangers anymore. With fundraising opportunities for things people already need, they can simply sell to people they know and still raise enough money for their school. Administrators love the new ideas because when the digital media age is utilized, they have a much easier way of conducting their fundraising from the start up to the delivery.
About The Author
Jeanette Sherer contributed this guest post for Causera. Jeannette has extensive fundraising experience. She is also a freelance writer and loves sharing her tips and insights on various blogs.