Personal blogs are a great form of professional development. An active approach to prepare for your future career, the blogosphere offers a unique opportunity to implement individuals branding, as well as network with individuals of the industry you are trying to break into. Investing in something concrete like blogging is something that you will definitely reap the benefits of in the future.
If creating a personal blog is something you’ve never considered, here are five reasons why you should:
- Branding: Coining the phrase in 1997, Tom Peters was a firm believer in self-marketing one’s skills. A personal blog is the perfect example of creating a professional online persona, otherwise known as individual branding. A great means to reach a large audience for free, the blogosphere represents a lucrative opportunity to advance on the career ladder and improve one’s reputation.
- Get Found Online: If it’s available, registering a domain in your name will also increase your chances of getting found online. It’s a well-known fact that Google favors websites that have their primary key phrase included in the domain. And what better name for your personal blog than your own?
- Knowledge Advancement: Your career field will usually dictate the topics of your personal blog posts. To convincingly write as an expert on resultant subjects, you’ll be forced to read other professional blogs, news sources etc. In actual fact, a blog can provide a valuable lesson in self-improvement – the more you put into it, the more likely you are to improve your skills.
- Relationship Building: Connecting with other industry bloggers is one of the highlights of creating and maintaining a personal blog. By leaving insightful comments on other professional’s blogs, your pursuit of an online conversation with other experts in your line of work could very well be rewarded
- Demonstration of Skill: If prediction that the personal blog will one day replace the resume, you’ll want to start building your professional online persona now. Potentially a timeline of your occupation, this journalistic form of diarising your industry-related opinions and thoughts is more than just a work diary, it’s a demonstration of skill – a career tool so to speak.
Lastly, if you’re still not convinced that this is the way of the future, a personal blog site is a great way to show how you think, demonstrate your ability to communicate coherently, and showcase the cutting-edge quality of your ideas. A pastime that is well-worth pursuing, becoming an engaging industry blogger is a journey – one that you’ll never regret taking.
About the Author
Bella Gray is a corporate blogger from her office space Miami. A maestro of tips and strategies for navigating the workplace, Gray is the perfect go-to-gal for all your business solutions.