Transferring out of a community college into a four-year school can be an exciting and overwhelming time in a student's life. There is a great deal of planning and preparing that must take place in order to successfully transfer to a new college or university. Starting the process early and finding out all of the necessary important information ahead of time will ensure that the details are not overlooked. The entire process can be challenging. Keeping a few helpful tips in mind will make the transition much smoother so that a student can stay stress free.
Have a Back Up Plan
Although many students have a college that they dream of attending, the admissions process can be tough, and there are no guarantees. It is best to have a back up plan in place, just in case the first choice school does not work out. Even after spending two years at a community college, there may some credit requirements that have not been fulfilled. Transferring students should remember that they may need to complete certain credits first, before they can enroll in a specific degree program at a four year school. Staying flexible and having a contingency plan in place is a great way to keep from getting stressed when things to not work out exactly as one hoped they would.
Stay Healthy
Eating right and staying active can be difficult when stress levels get high. It is important to remember to eat balanced meals in order to beat fatigue and keep the immune system working well. Exercise is beneficial because it releases endorphins, which can actually reduce stress. Getting enough sleep each night is critical for feeling good and maintaining energy throughout the day. It can be easy to get caught up in other priorities, but eating right is a must. Taking short breaks from the desk or computer is a good way to get in some physical activity during the day. A healthy body will be able to deal with stress much better than an undernourished and exhausted one.
Take Breaks
The college admissions and transfer processes come with a great deal of paperwork. This is all added to a regular workload of studying, completing assignments, and keeping up with a job and social life. When the list of things to get done keeps piling up, students need to take some time for themselves. Breaks are necessary in order to stay focused and maintain a clear head. When a student has taken on more than they can reasonably handle, it is time to step away and take a short break in order to regroup.
Ask Questions, Get Answers
The college planning process can be very involved and time consuming. Applying for a transfer requires patience. Questions are concerns are bound to pop up along the way, and students should seek out the answers as soon as possible. Having all of the correct information in order to complete the process without delays or setbacks will help reduce stress levels. A student must never be afraid to ask for assistance when needed. Many colleges even have professional staff members that are skilled and experienced in dealing with the admissions and transfer processes. Asking any and all questions is the only way to get the correct answers.
While transferring from a community college can be very exciting, it can also be overwhelming. In order to stay stress free, students must remember to eat healthy, stay active, and take breaks. Having a good back up plan in place is necessary, as well as asking questions and getting the right answers throughout the process.
About the Author
Ryan Ayers is a writer who creates informative articles in relation to education. In this article, he offers a few tips for transferring students to stay stress free and aims to encourage further study with a bachelor in radiology online.