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Community college and university students not only carry textbooks, but they also haul around the heavy burden of overwhelming debt that can last a lifetime. Even though the majority of college students believe that a degree is now more important than when their parents were were growing up, most recent college grads are finding themselves unable to obtain gainful employment. With the unemployment rate of college graduates at a staggering 9.1 percent, it is apparent that a college degree does not guarantee financial and job security.
Tuition at most community colleges and universities have steadily increased throughout the years leaving students to take out more loans and fall deeper into debt.
Transferring to Ivy League from community college is a great way to avoid debt!
Although experts agree that a college degree will eventually pay for itself over the course of a lifetime, many students indicate that college is unaffordable and find it difficult to manage their student loans. Many agree that the government should offer more financial aid in the form of grants so that students do not have to repay the money, which will provide more students with the opportunity of an affordable education without the heavy burden of debt upon graduation.
From: Top Colleges Online