Community college is an excellent outlet for getting your two-year degree and starting your academic career off on the right foot. However, once these two years are over, it's time to start looking into four-year colleges to finish your bachelor's degree and take advantage of the many additional opportunities higher education provides.
For those ambitious students, you might be thinking about how to transfer to Ivy League universities like Harvard, Cornell, Upenn or perhaps Yale. If you're one of these students, you may want to read about:
How To Become A Top Student At Community College
In addition to transferring to Ivy League from community college, study abroad programs at Ivy League universities are some of the most appealing of these opportunities, which allow students to travel virtually anywhere in the world to receive an education in entirely new and eye-opening environments.
The good news is that we offer a proven guide to go from community college to Ivy League. But don't book your ticket just yet! Make sure you have considered the four tasks to have prepared before you head off to bigger and better things.
1. Double Check Your That Your Credits Transfer To Ivy League
When was the last time you had a talk with your advisor? If it's been a while, you might want to check in to make sure your credits are up to standard if you're transferring to a university. Talk to as many officials and authorities at the community college as possible, since this will limit the likelihood that someone on the staff made a technical error or that there is a miscommunication. If there are any grades you're not happy with and want to raise your GPA before applying, consider taking a few courses over to increase your applicant appeal.
2. Contact Your Prospective Ivy League University
Your credits may be fine at the community college, but are they acceptable for the university you want to/plan to attend? For example, a calculus may count for a community college requirement, but may not satisfy the same requirement after transferring to Ivy League. This could set you back an entire semester if you fail to plan ahead. Research your prospective Ivy League university's grade policy to make sure your own grades are all acceptable and you won't have to retake a course you've already taken.
3. Purchase International Student Insurance
If you're planning on studying abroad your first semester as an Ivy League transfer, it's never too soon to start planning for your safety and security while overseas. (Personally, I recommend waiting to study abroad until your second or third semester after transferring). If you have any anxiety about being in a foreign place (as one naturally would), planning ahead and understanding your insurance options can also make you feel a little more comfortable about the process in the first place. Having international insurance is crucial for these kinds of long-term visits, since you never know what could happen while you're away. In any case, you want to be both financially and mentally prepared for any potential accidents.
4. Arrange Financial Aid
Many students are able to complete community college without having to take out loans or acquire very much (if any at all) outside aid to meet the costs. (It's a great way to save money before transferring to expensive Ivy League universities!) Unfortunately, the rising costs of tuition at Ivy League universities makes it so that nearly every college student has to acquire some form of financial aid to attend. Since you're likely one of those students who didn't have to acquire outside aid, you may not be aware of all of the procedures and deadlines you have to meet in order to cover the cost of college. You'll want to meet with the financial aid department at the university as soon as possible to take advantage of all possible opportunities and be ready when the semester starts.
Transferring To Ivy League From Community College
Transitioning from community college to Ivy League universities can be an exciting endeavor, but it can also make you feel a little overwhelmed with all of the changes you'll have to make. The earlier you begin the planning process, the more opportunities you'll be able to take advantage of once you've adapted to this larger environment.
To learn more, read our guide on transferring to Ivy League from community college.
Not to mention, it will be good practice for the all new environment you'll encounter during your future study abroad experiences.