Tips For Writing Essays In Community College

by Chad Agrawal

It's essay deadline time and staring down at a blank piece of paper, how do you feel? Intimidated? Frustrated? Unprepared? As a student there's plenty of opportunity for this occasion because as a student, writing essays will make up a sizeable chunk of your life. From high school to college good essays, dissertations and thesis papers are a must-do, and can help you on the road to a great job. So how can you make life easier for yourself? Well there are ways to make sure you achieve the best results and don't succumb to the pressure.

And the hard work begins by laying out a decent foundation for your essay. So before you've even put pen to paper - or indeed typed a single word - make sure you know when your deadline is. That way you'll be able to plan, research and write. Don't leave it to the last minute because that will only lead to stress and mistakes. It's better to start too early than finish too late, that way you can also go back to it before handing it in.

It also helps to get a handle on the subject so make sure you know the essay or paper title. Read through the title carefully, breaking down the different components, for instance some questions have two parts to them and you will need to answer each section, allowing word space and research time for all the sectors. It can be helpful to highlight key words in the title such as any specifics that are mentioned or any exact information or instructions on how you are expected to demonstrate that you know the answer. And for any points that need clarification, don't be afraid ask your tutor or teacher, it shows you're keen and willing to get on top of the subject.

When you've got a clear idea of what the essay or paper is to be about, it's time to start some basic reading to get an idea of what to cover. Some people may argue that the value of research is important, and while it is, not at this stage. By stopping and considering the question, prior to this, you ought to have some thoughts as to what is important to the question. And taking a scatter gun approach to research at this stage, could lead to confusion which will become clear in your essay.

A plan is key to laying out your essay, beginning with the introduction and conclusion, and in between slot in the other areas to be covered in answering the question. This will also give you an idea of the reading and research you need to do. And then it's time to start writing, remembering to keep the question in mind as you write.

This post was written by Chad Agrawal

Chad Agrawal is the founder of CCTS, helping students transfer from community college to Ivy League, tier 1 or anywhere else by following this community college guide.

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