Many students decide to begin their college education at community college. This may be a wise choice for many reasons, but will require students to transfer to a four year university in order to complete a bachelor's degree. During this process, it is necessary to be organized and understand everything that is involved with the process. Here are four useful tools to help complete a successful and stress free transfer.
This website is a must for anyone who wants to map out a major and different courses at a specific university. There is a Career Resources Center on this website that will help explain what classes will transfer over to most large universities. It will also help a person to assess individual potential. Many students still do not totally know what career choice is right for them, even after spending years studying different subjects at college. CollegeTransfer.Net helps a person pinpoint aptitude and matches skills and interests with personalities. The Career Center helps to explore different jobs as well. This website is ideal for all types of students who are transferring, restarting after a break, or a person who is unsure about a future career. It is a tool that can help a person finish a degree at the best school, while enrolling in the correct classes. / U.Select is a hosted website that helps a student connect to a college's transfer data. This is a great tool to help make the best plan for a transfer, and entails the process of selecting courses. When time is not spent repeating coursework that has already been finished, money will be saved. This service helps an individual uncover who is also viewing a particular college's information, helping them to target specific schools for transfer.
The American Association For Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers
Most community colleges are used as a stepping stone to bigger and better places. To make the transfer process as seamless as possible, many community institutions participate in articulation agreements. These agreements are used to make sure that completing an associate's degree will satisfy the first two years of general education requirements at a four year university. To comprehend the articulation agreements in a specific geographic location, The American Association for Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers will supply data concerning different policies. It is important to review this information, so that it is not necessary to repeat completed classes.
Use The College Advisor
A college of any size will usually assign each student an advisor upon admission. This person can be extremely helpful during a transfer or throughout the time spent at the institution. An advisor will be up to date on all transfer policies and can answer all questions that arise. An advisor will also be helpful when it comes to finding various scholarship opportunities by doing things like helping you fill out the Free Application for Financial Student Aid. There are often many opportunities open to transfer students. It is essential to pay attention to deadlines in order to qualify for assistance. This can make college much more affordable.
College can be complicated enough without having to worry about transferring from a two to four year college. There are numerous tools that a student can use to make the process run as smoothly as possible. The above examples are just a few ways that a student can become organized and gain information regarding a successful transfer. In the end, it will be essential to research course credits, school policies, and scholarship information. Using resources that are already in place can save time, money, and headaches.
Author Bio
Ryan Ayers is a writer who creates informative articles in relation to education. In this article, he describes management tools for transferring students and aim to encourage further study with a UAB Masters in Information Systems Management.