Top 5 Most Common Resume Mistakes

by Tim N.

A properly worded resume is a great opportunity to show a potential employer what you're made of and where you've been in your career, but a poorly written resume is a great way to lose a potential job. The fact is, each year, thousands of qualified applicants lose out on jobs that they would have loved, all thanks to poorly written or constructed resumes. If you're currently seeking a job, here's a list of the five most common resume mistakes to avoid so that you can land the job of your dreams:

1.) Be Honest
One of the most common resume mistakes is inflating your achievements. Most employers who screen resumes understand the difference between real world achievements and over-inflation. When writing your resume, focus on your actual results instead of the jobs you've simply worked. This means ultimately being honest about what you've done in the past versus what you think you've done, but in the end, an employer will look more favorably upon a resume that's honest than on one that boasts extreme claims.

2.) Update Often
Whether you've worked a job in the past year or not, you should always update your resume. Updating your resume will allow a potential employer to see the latest job skills you have to offer, and it will also show them that you are interested in working. Far too often, people only update their resumes with their last official employment or education qualifications, but you need to remember that volunteer work, ministry work, temporary work and freelance work will look better in the eyes of an employer than sitting around the house playing video games.

3.) Keep It Simple
Because of the amount of resumes a potential employer may receive each day, month and year, you should always keep things simple. This means laying out critical information early and often, but not allowing that information to distract from your overall candidate profile. Produce all information that is relevant to the particular job and leave the pleasantries for later.

4.) Be Specific
No matter what job you're applying for, never doubt that an employer is looking for a specific type of person. When putting your resume together, consider each job that you are submitting to. From there, tailor your resume to fit each job type, employer and industry. If you have a stellar resume that might appeal to the world of finance, yet you're applying for a job in retail, take a look over your resume and make sure that it and your qualifications match the job and industry to which you're applying.

5.) Hire a Career Coach
If you're still having trouble finding a suitable job after following the above-listed tips, you may want to consult with a career management professional. A career management professional can offer you advice regarding what career would best suit your personality and abilities, how you should go about seeking a career in your chosen field and more. In the end, keep in mind that choosing a career is a personal choice, and no matter what you do, you will need to find an industry that will value your

This post was written by Tim N.

Tim Nelson of MAP Houston serves as career resource to help professionals indentify and achieve their career goals. Get career tips from Tim on Twitter and Google+.

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