Going to university or college can be an exciting and also a daunting prospect. Moving away from home, meeting new people, gaining your independence and experiencing new things can be overwhelming, so it is worth ensuring that you are as well prepared as possible. If you are considering what to pack for university, there are some essential items that may help make your transition into student life easier.
To get your university life off to a great start, it is essential to check what paperwork you need to bring. Your university will be able to tell you what documentation to bring and it may include items such as exam results, a CRB check or references. You may also need identification such as your passport or birth certificate to open a new bank account or register with a GP.
A laptop is now essential for students at university. It gives them the flexibility of working wherever they want, such as in the library or a café or at home. It may be worth purchasing a new laptop that will see you through university. Your course leader or faculty may be able to advise about what type of laptop will best suit your needs. There is a wide range of laptops available so it can also be good to think about other uses you might want to put it to, such as playing games or watching films. You might find that having a good quality Acer laptop may mean that you don't need to take a television with you.
Passport Photos
Passport photos will be needed for your Students' Union card or other student identification such as a bus pass. Some universities may require you to upload passport photos or identification before you arrive, so it's worth keeping in touch with them by checking their website, joining their social-media pages and making sure they have your up-to-date email address.
First-Aid Kit
A first-aid kit could be one of the most useful items to pack for university. Plasters, cold remedies, painkillers and condoms are all items that you may need during your first term at university. You should also take some good-quality vitamins to help you keep healthy and overcome sickness quickly. You may also want ensure that you are fully informed about illnesses that can be more common in a student population, such as meningitis or mumps.
Home Furnishings and Decorative Items
Student accommodation can often be basic so some home furnishings can be essential to make your space feel comfortable. Rugs, lights, pictures, photos and cushions are all items that can make your room feel like home. You may also want to bring a bathroom mat, toothbrush holder and soap dish to improve your bathroom. A lovingly furnished room with plenty of decoration to make it personal may ease home-sickness and make your space more inviting so your fellow students will enjoy coming to see you.
About the Author
Susan Smith writes for websites and blogs on student issues. She has been writing for websites and print media for over 10 years. She believes that students should get their university lives off to a great start by bringing with them essential items such as a good quality Acer laptop.