Can I transfer from one community college to another? Of course! Everyone once in a while, we all need to hit that reset button (like the one above) and get a fresh start. But, there's a few things you want to know about transferring from one community college to another. Especially, when hitting that reset button above.
It's never easy to leave behind a familiar situation and head out into the unknown. But, no matter why you're switching community colleges, there is great opportunity ahead. You'll want to do your best academically because you can shoot for a 4.0 GPA, opening up your chances to transfer to Ivy League schools! So here are just a few tips to help you start over the right way and get the most out of your new situation.
Note: If you're looking for how to transfer from community college to community college, it's a good idea to read this post - How To Enroll In Community College
Top 5 Tips Transferring From One Community College To Another
1. Make sure your credits transfer
You don't want the time you spent at your last community college to be a waste, so before you pay your tuition and enroll in classes you'll want to make sure that you can start working right where you left off at your last school.
This is probably the single most important aspect of transferring between community colleges.
2. Try not to compare it to your last school
If you loved your last community college you might feel like your new school simply can't measure up. You miss your teachers, you miss your friends, and you're going into this new experience expecting the worst.
Alternately, you might have had a terrible experience at your last campus and you're expecting more of the same from this one. If you can just take a step back you'll see that your real problem is not the new school, but your attitude. When you go in expecting the worst that's all you're going to see.
So if you want to give your new college a fair shot at WOWing you and proving a fun and fruitful environment, leave your prejudices and preconceived notions at the door. Or check out this community college guide.
3. Get all your dates down
Important dates (for registration, enrollment, and starting classes, for example) will vary not only from state to state, but also from one educational institution to the next, so don't go in expecting everything to be the same as it was at your last school. You might also want to inquire about their system of enrolling in classes.
Whereas you may have had plenty of time to peruse the class schedule and make selections at your last community college because those with more credits got preferential treatment, your new school may not go with a seniority clause, instead opting to offer early enrollment dates on some kind of lottery system. You won't know unless you ask.
4. Check out clubs on campus
Fitting in academically is definitely a concern, but you also need social connections if you want to make the most of your community college experience. So if you're having a hard time making friends in your classes you might want to check out some clubs as a way to meet people. You might join college-sponsored groups or pick up flyers around campus for student-sponsored groups like movie or book clubs.
5. Make a good impression
Starting at a new school means you have the chance to make an impression on a whole new group of people (professors and peers alike) so you want it to be a good one. If you were going for a legal, business, or accounting online degree you wouldn't have to worry about meet-and-greets, but since you're attending a real-world community college instead of a virtual one, put your best foot forward with a confident and positive attitude.
After Transferring From One Community College To Another...
It's time to transfer from community college to university! While starting over at community college, it's a good time to grab you copy of this community college guide. You'll learn how to be a top student at your new community college and take the "right" steps to transfer to your dream university.