Are you thinking about transferring from your community college to another university so that you can join the music department? Many community colleges do not have music departments, or have limited concentrations. This can effect you whether your interest is piano, trumpet, or something completely different. Starting off at community college to get your general education classes out of the way is a great idea that cuts down the cost of your education. However, you will need to know how to transfer into a traditional four-year program for the degree that you really want.
First of all, you need to apply to the new college or university and be accepted before you can transfer there. This is essentially the same process that you would go through senior year of high school; filling out the application with your personal information, getting letters of recommendation, and writing a cover letter. However, you will also need to provide the new university with information about the community college. This can help to put you ahead of the crowd because you have more complete and advanced educational background than the current high school applicants.
It is important to note that some music departments have a cap on the amount of people that they accept each year. If you're not accepted in the first round, you might be placed on a waiting list, or you may just be told to apply again the following year, depending on the school's policy. Since space is limited, and because you are going to be majoring in an art instead of a strictly educational program, you may also have to audition to get in. Music departments can be very selective, and they will want to base much of their decision on how you perform in person. Make sure to rehearse frequently so when the audition comes and nerves take over, you can rely on your muscle memory to take over.
Sending Over Your Transcript
If you get accepted, you will need to send a copy of your transcript from the community college to the new university. They will use this to look over your classes and give you credit for the ones that count at the new school. Keep in mind that not all classes will transfer, so you could lose some credits. However, if you were planning on doing this when you started college, you probably just took general math, history, English, and science classes that should all transfer over without a problem, allowing you to enroll in classes for which those credits are considered to be prerequisites.
Enrolling in Classes
After you are accepted and your credits have transferred, you need to un-enroll at the community college. You may not have to do anything more than not signing up for classes next semester, or you may also have to report that you are transferring. Ask the admissions office to be sure, and enroll in classes at your new university. You can often do this online, and most colleges set this process up in waves, giving those with seniority the chance to enroll before younger students. Due to your age and the fact that you have two years of education already, you may have some seniority in your first year.
Paying for Tuition
The last step is to pay for your tuition. If you do not have the money on hand, you will need to get loans or grants to pay for it. Either way, you need to have the money in by the first few weeks of the semester or you will automatically be dropped from your classes. Make sure that all of your financial aid paperwork is in order so that you do not run into any problems. The logistical part of your application to a music program is the one thing that is total under your control, so make sure to use that to your advantage.
Author Bio
Ryan Ayers is a writer who creates informative articles in relation to education. In this article, he explains the process of transferring to a university music department and aims to encourage further study with a KSU Master Degree Music Education