Do you think that going to community college is a dead end? If you do, then you are dead wrong. You have a dream, a goal. You’ve been dreaming of transferring to UCLA from community college and the reality is that you can. Don’t abandon your dream simply because you went from high school to community college. In fact, I’m here to tell you that your choice of community college is something you can benefit from. I can hear you now saying, “What?” Yes, you can do it. But you cannot do it alone. You need help. You need a system, a very simple system. You need my system.
A Proven System That Will Get You Into UCLA
If you’re wondering how to transfer to UCLA from community college, you must read my guide. In my no-risk, money back guaranteed ebook, “The 3 Word Truth,” you will discover that your path from community college to UCLA is not only possible, but easier than you ever thought it could be. With my easy to follow guide, you will learn a proven method with simple and effective tips that will have you transferring into UCLA and on the fast track to academic and career success.
Learn From Someone Who Has Done What You Want To Do
The best method to accomplish any goal is to do what successful people have already done to reach that goal and model it. I am that person, I have that method for you to model, and I will help you to do it- quickly, effectively, and successfully. That’s right. I transferred from community college to the distinguished school I had dreamed of. Now you can benefit from the methods that I used and use them for yourself to achieve your goal of a UCLA transfer.
Just Follow My Simple Method: That’s All It Takes
You might be laughing right now and thinking, “Me meeting the transfer requirements for UCLA? Well, stop laughing and start picturing yourself there. Is it hard to transfer to UCLA? No, It is easier than you imagine. My guide will accelerate your ability to do it, so don’t be afraid. It all starts with getting yourself geared to read the information I provide and follow it. Are you ready to do that? You have the desire. I know that because you have read this far. The only question is will you see your desire through?
Community College Is Helpful To Your Goal. No Joking!
There are advantages to being in community college for two years before your UCLA transfer. Don’t believe me? For one thing, having two schools will give you a greater ability to expand your horizons and make twice as many friends and contacts as you would other wise. As a UCLA transfer student, you will need to know the secrets that will transform you from a community college student to one transferring to UCLA. That’s where my program comes in. You don’t need to be the smartest student or the most well-connected. You do, however, need to know the way to do it. I know because I did it. And now I want to help you to accomplish the same goal.
My Guide: Simple, Quick, Easy To Follow
My ebook guide, “The 3 Word Truth,” is just 19 pages long, but the rewards you will reap from it will outpace one that is 500 pages longer. It is vital that you resist the mindset that tells you that something good and worthwhile must be difficult and time consuming. I promise not to waste your time and that is why I have trimmed the filler and given you just what you need, just what works, just what will help you in transferring to UCLA from community college.
You’re Halfway Home Already, Let Me Take You The Rest of The Way
Recognize that you already possess the ability to be a UCLA transfer. If you are thinking that I am a unique genius and that you could not possibly do what I did, think again. I was an average student in high school. The key to getting into UCLA is not your desire, your intellect, or your drive, but in knowing the simple and effective methods that will allow your dream to become a reality.
A Minimal Investment In Time For Maximum Rewards
Once you know how, you will be amazed at how easy it is. You’re not required to dedicate your life to achieve UCLA transfer acceptance. If you are working too hard, something is wrong. It's similar to internet marketers who receive an over optimization penalty for working too hard to rank on Google. Don't waste you're time and effort like those guys. By following the simple and powerful plan I outline for you, the time you invest will be relatively minimal. But your rewards will be staggeringly fulfilling. Just like me, you can become a top student and get more out of your college experience than you ever dreamed possible.
Here Is The Valuable Information You Will Learn From My Guide
In “The 3 Word Truth,” you will learn what to do and how to do it. If your SATs were not high enough to meet UCLA transfer requirements, I will show you how to take them again and astound yourself with your improvement. How? Well, it’s not enough to just study hard. You need to study the right way. My guide will teach you that right way. You will learn how you can score above the 95th percentile. Best of all, you won’t have to dedicate months of intensive preparation time. I will show you how to get yourself fully ready for your SATs in under 3 weeks.
You will also learn how to write a knockout essay for your UCLA transfer application; One that puts your application at the top of pile and not the bottom.
Isn’t that exciting? Isn’t that motivating?
Get Started Right Now On Your Road to UCLA
Order Your Copy of “The 3 Word Truth” right away and start your path to UCLA transfer acceptance. Don’t delay. Every minute you wait is a minute longer until you are transferring to UCLA. My guide is certain to produce the results you want. I’m so sure of it that I offer an iron-clad 60 day money-back guarantee. You have everything to gain and you take no risk. All you have to do is put in the time to learn my tips and secrets. Will you put in that time? If you are as dedicated as I know you are, then your answer is a definite, unqualified YES! Act now while I am offering my guide at a special sale price.
Quantities Are Strictly Limited: Get Yours Before They’re Sold Out
I limit quantities to prevent unnecessary competition for you, my valued clients. This offer is only available for a limited time and once it is sold out, it will not be offered again until next year. I urge you to hurry and get yours right now. Remember, you have nothing to lose. You will receive a full refund if you decide you are not satisfied anytime within 60 days. And guess what? I have not ever received even one refund request for my guide.
Get 2 FREE Bonuses With Your Order
You will also receive 2 bonus ebooks ABSOLUTELY FREE with the purchase of “The 3 Word Truth.” The first, “Transfer Students Advice: Adjusting to College Life Easily,” will give you insightful tips on acclimating quickly and successfully as a UCLA transfer student. You will discover that you can have not only a satisfying academic career, but that you can also enjoy everything that college has to offer. Why should you just cloister yourself in your dorm room or in the school library? Instead, learn how to have a full college experience.
The second free bonus is “Networking With Anyone: How to Talk to People.” Once you transfer to UCLA, you will want to get the most out of your experience and that means meeting people, making friends, making contacts- not just ones for today, but ones that will last a lifetime. The key to this is communication and your complementary gift will teach you how to do that easily and effectively.
Don’t Delay: Your Future Is In Your Hands
Your success is before you. The bottom line is that you have the opportunity to take charge of your desire and transform it into reality. Click here right now and start the exciting journey to your UCLA transfer acceptance. Remember, there is no risk on your part. All you need is the motivation to order now. I know you will be happy about your decision.
{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }
Wow! Great post Chad. Thank you for the helpful information for transferring.
Great points altogether. You’ve got a new reader!