Write For Us
Attention all guest bloggers, writers, students, professors, education experts and CommunityCollegeTransferStudents.com visitors at large...
We welcome you to write for us at CCTS. Below you will find some helpful advice and guidelines for getting your first guest post published. Above all, if your post is useful, helpful and relevant for transferring from community college we would love to publish it.
There are several benefits to writing for us. You get to help thousands of community college transfer students by writing high quality, useful information. You get to include links to your website, tubmlr, social media profiles, etc. to grow your online presence. You get a complete author's box to promote yourself or brand under your post. You get authority! (For more details, see below)
Why Post?
Fist and foremost, you have the opportunity to help and improve the lives of many students in the US and abroad. Transferring to Ivy League from community college is a serious game changer for anyone. You have the chance to get your voice heard by many and make a real difference in students' lives.
In the process, you will also receive 2 dofollow backlinks (total, either in text or in the bio), a bio box to promote yourself (you can include links to follow you on twitter, facebook and google plus one in addition to your dofollow links), and traffic from all of our readers!
Write For Us Guidelines
What Can I Write About?
When you write for us, you are welcome to write on any topic directly related to community college.
This includes, but not limited to, community college transfer students, education, students advice, finances, loans, student loans, college, college life, college classes, applications, transfer requirements, universities, 4 year colleges, online education, online classes, university, financial aid, college loans, college degrees, student debt, student credit cards, etc.
Each topic must be written to help students who are just starting to research community college, considering community college, or going into community college.
Please see our frequently updated keyword list below.
Due to the volume of guest post inquiries we are receiving, we are only accepting guest posts that are directly related to community college. That means, you're title should probably include the keyword "community college" to be considered relevant.
What Is A Good Length?
The longer the post, the better. 500+ words is okay, 700+ is good, 1000+ is great and 1250+ is superb.
What Else Should The Post Include?
All content must be high quality, useful, 100% unique and "sharing" worthy.
Here are some tips:
- An engaging introduction that connects with students.
- The use of compelling headlines/headers
- Paragraphs which are broken down for easy reading
- Bullet points, numbers, etc. (recommended)
- Lots of images throughout the post (recommended)
How Can I Get My Headline/Title Approved?
1. Submit your post topic(s) or idea(s) for approval to: info[at]communitycollegetransferstudents.com
2. Once your idea is approved, send us your post whenever you're ready.
3. Then, wait for your post to be reviewed and published within 5 days (usual turn around time is about 2-4 days).
4. After your post is published, we'll send you a live url of the post!
*replace [at] with @*