If you are a first year student heading off to college soon, you should have already started packing your things up for school. If you have a smaller car, you have to keep in mind you should pack smart to get as much into your car as you can. This may seem like a horrible task, but if you are smart about packing you can get everything you need out to school.
Talk to Your Roommate
Before you head out to school, ask your roommate what she plans on bringing with him or her to school. You most likely will not need to bring to fridges or televisions. This will save you both from over-packing and leave you extra space in your car for other important necessities. This will also be a bonding experience to get to know your roommate together. You will be living together for the year, so getting to know them before you both move in can benefit your relationship.
Consider What You Can Buy When You Are At School
Generally if there is a college in a town, there is a department store or Walmart nearby too. If you intended on purchasing a futon, save yourself the space and purchase it while you are already out at school. You can even buy you school supplies out there too and dorm accessories such as coat hangers, garbage cans and a fan. The only set-back to this is waiting in line at the cashier.
Invest in Reusable Shopping Bags
Reusable shopping bags will be your best friend if you use them for your packing. They don't take up space and they can hold a ton of stuff. They are incredibly sturdy and if one rips, you are not at loss for too much money. These bags are generally pretty water resistant too so if you happen to set one on the ground while packing, you stuff won't get wet.
Avoid Large Plastic Totes
Plastic tote boxes are great for storage, but they take up a lot of space in your car. You should have one or two, at most if you want them for storage in your dorm, but don't expect to pack your whole room in a bunch of boxes. The reusable bags can be squished together and stacked, while the plastic boxes can't. If the boxes can be stacked, your back window view is likely to be blocked. Also by having too many boxes, you will find yourself making multiple trips back home to pick up your things.
About The Author
Ashleigh Murray is a recent graduate from college. Throughout school she found the joys of using a credit card, but didn't have the funds to pay back everything at once. She has been researching credit repair services to help with her debt.