You just graduated from community college and while you may be excited with anticipation of the real world ahead of you away from your parents, you may also be unsure of what to expect and what may be expected of you. The jump when transferring from community college to university is expensive, and it is important that you do well so that you can start your future and your career off right.
However, there are many other aspects to consider than just class work. You will likely need to get a job to support your way through school, and you may want to join a club to help boost your resume when you graduate. With so many new considerations on your plate, it is normal to feel overwhelmed.
Here are 10 tips to help you prepare.
1. Go to orientations.
This may seem like an obvious requirement, but surprisingly many community college transfer students miss their orientation, leaving them lost on their first day of college.
2. Get organized.
Buy yourself a student planner from an online company such as This will end up being your lifeline to keeping your new hectic schedule on track.
3. Get to know your roommate.
By finding stuff in common with your new roommate, you can reduce homesickness and have a more fun community college to university experience.
4. Find a good study location.
You will most likely need to get away to hit the books. Find a quiet place where you feel comfortable to study on campus at your new university.
5. Meet with your professors.
Don’t be shy about talking to your teachers. Similar to your community college faculty, professors are more than willing to help their students succeed in class.
6. Get involved wherever you can.
From Greek life, to campus clubs, getting involved wherever you can will help you build a stronger resume for when you graduate and give you an opportunity to get to know other students.
7. Take your time deciding on a major.
Don’t jump into one specific major. Instead, take some general education classes to find what excites you the most before deciding on a specific bachelors degree at university.
8. Network with other students in your classes.
Meet new people and make an effort to make connections on campus. It helps!
9. Watch your health.
Avoid fast food binges. Focus on eating right and exercising to avoid the "Transfer 15".
10. Have fun responsibly.
Partying may be fun, but doing something dangerous could ruin your community college transfer experience.
Transferring from community college to university is an exciting time in anyone’s life. Follow these tips to make sure you get the most out of your experience.
About The Author:
One of Mary's favorite things to write about is organization. Please visit for more information.