Will Universities Allow You To Transfer With Low Grades In High School?

by Chad Agrawal

This week, one of my customers of The 3 Word Truth asked me the following. I thought it would be good idea to answer the question in the form of a blog post since I've seen similar inquiries. (I've left out name and sensitive information for usual reasons).

Hi Chad,

Thank you for helping me , but I have one more question. I am senior in high school, passing with a D in my physics class. So, I want to know does top University gives importance to high school transcript or they just care about the grades you earn in college.

Most universities will look at your high school transcript. However, this can help you or work against you.

If you do well in high school and you go to community college, don't challenge yourself much and don't excel, the admissions counselor is not going to have much of a reason to want you at their school.

On the other hand, if you happen to have a D on your transcript, but follow the steps my guide, succeeding at community college, maintaining a 4.0 GPA, retake your SATs and show who you are in your application, there is no reason why a transfer university should not accept you. In fact, it would most likely work in your advantage to show how you greatly improved from high school to college. You'll be able to show that you really are capable of performing at the collegiate level and you've changed since high school. And you don't have to mention that it was me who told you how to do it 😉

Please let me know if you need any help moving forward. If you follow the steps in the Guide successfully, you have all the right to be a top candidate at any tier one or Ivy League university.


This post was written by Chad Agrawal

Chad Agrawal is the founder of CCTS, helping students transfer from community college to Ivy League, tier 1 or anywhere else by following this community college guide.

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