When it comes to something like job motivation, we’re all very different people who respond to aspects in our own unique way. For one person perhaps the motivation is money and for another it could be pure job satisfaction. Work motivation is not something you can simply encourage, but we do have a few example careers that may naturally do that without even trying. Perhaps in understanding what makes these rated the careers with the highest job motivation factors, based on a study, you can translate the principle into your current or perhaps even future career.
Playing to your Needs
Being a food critic isn’t as easy as it sounds, but we all need to eat right? As far as theories go job motivation that is linked to something we naturally need to do is a manipulative way to put your head in the game. To become a food critic an academic career studying a mixture of journalism and cuisine is in order; it doesn’t hurt to have some experience in the catering service industry. When your job is about testing delicious, and maybe not-so-delicious, foods everyday for free and still getting paid for it, the best is you’re not going to need a lot of job motivation; sample a cover letter and find yourself that job.
Making a Positive Impact
One way to gather job motivation could also be related to the positive impact your make on the world. As an eco-employee, or someone who works in an industry determined to make the world a better place, feeling like you’re saving the world is all you’ll need as far as job motivation goes. Quotes and inspirational thoughts are good enough to motivate some, but the actions of a few good people being a driving force behind making the world a better place is enough to get crowds of people off their feet. There are countless careers one can aim for in this respect; nature conservation, sustainable living technicians and many more examples. In all cases though the motivation comes from knowing you may make a difference to the world.
Immortal Works
The last aspect of job motivation in our list of examples is that of immortality or at least leaving behind a piece of history that represents your impact on the world. This is something that architects are capable of doing when they design and build the towers of the future. While it is also one of the most stressful jobs in the world, it is also the one of the highest in terms of job satisfaction. The hours are flexible but do not let that fool you into thinking you can take it easy. When you realise you make a lasting impression on the world in this position then you begin naturally develop the job motivation that comes to difficult to others. Of these three examples, there are different ways to approach capturing job motivation and translate them into our own lives; this can serve as an inspiration for us.
About The Author:
Eugene Calvini is a writer and career consultant; from office space Atlanta to the serviced offices in Australia, he has endless experience in sharing advice and guidance.