Who’s Chad Agrawal?
Thank you for visiting my site, CommunityCollegeTransferStudents.com. We are here to help you transfer to Ivy League from community college, as well as other Tier 1 and prestigious universities. Even if you don't believe that you, or anyone else, can transfer to Ivy League schools, do yourself a favor and check out my community college guide.
Over the past few years, I've put a tremendous amount of work into creating this resource for community college transfer students. In December of 2010, I started CommunityCollegeTransferStudents.com with one simple goal:
To Create The Ultimate Community College Transfer Guide
Today, I've helped more students than I would have ever imagined and am happy to say that my ebook is one of the best selling community college transfer guides available anywhere.
To learn more about how and why I started this site, please read my post called The Original Story.
Or, you can also read about how I became a top student at community college right on my sales page for the ebook.
Mission Statement & Core Beliefs
We believe that anyone, who follows the right steps, can go to community college then transfer to Ivy League, Tier 1 or anywhere else. If you want to be successful in community college, then you deserve to make your dreams come true. We give students the know-how to succeed in community college, transfer to top universities, and succeed thereafter.
It is our goal for every community college transfer student to achieve more than they ever thought possible by dreaming big and achieving the "impossible."
We believe the opportunity at community college often overlooked and under appeciated. It is our initiative to spread awareness about the opportunity community colleges offer and their importance to our society.
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Your one share can change another person's entire future.
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