Hired! Tips For Helping You Get That Dream Job

by A Guest Author

The old saying goes that you only have one chance to make a first impression and, as we all know, first impressions can be critical in the job market. As employment rates have fallen or stagnated across the globe, there is more competition than ever for every rung that becomes available on the career ladder. As competition increases, it becomes more and more imperative to do everything possible to stand out from the crowd and, as employers are getting more and more picky, there are a number of small things that can make the difference between getting the job or not particularly if up against candidates with similar backgrounds and CVs. Once these have been considered and addressed, the chances of getting the job will increase exponentially.

Another old saying is that “the first bite is with the eye”. This means that, before you even open your mouth the employer will have made a judgement about you. If you turn up to an interview in a pair of jeans and in scuffed shoes they will presume that you are not taking the position seriously; apathy towards the way you look, they will reason, will also translate to apathy towards the way you approach work. So the obvious conclusion is to find an outfit that makes you look smart; make sure that your suit or dress is sufficiently pressed and that showy accessories are kept to a minimum. Also make sure that what you are wearing is comfortable – looking and feeling good will help you appear confident. Confidence of course shows that you are in control, something which is a fantastic aspect to have about your character and one that employers will certainly be looking for.

Aside from making sure that you look the part, it is important to make sure that you present yourself and your ideas for the job as well as you possibly can. This means to enunciate your words whilst avoiding slang and glottal stops. Monosyllabic utterances will simply not do and full, verbose sentences with correct grammar are to be recommended. Prep for your job by researching the role and company and even what aspects of yourself you would like to portray. Be careful, however, not to script your answers as this can sound forced; have an idea of things you would like to say beforehand and then organically, calmly and confidently state them. Make sure to also research beyond the role and know of industry specific news that you can mention if appropriate, or react to if the interviewer mentions it. The more you know beforehand, the less likely you are to have nay awkward silences or gaps in conversation, and the more naturally calm you will be rather than stressing out about your own perceived lack of knowledge.

It is also a good idea to take the appropriate mentality into the meeting. Be polite and courteous, always making sure to shake hands with people you meet and show interest in them. Also be positive about yourself and the job in hand and remember to make sure that you are showing that you take the job seriously. Not everyone will share your same sense of humour and a job interview may not be the place to find this out so save any puns for after you’ve got the job. At the end of the interview make sure that you have lots of questions prepared to ask them and, once this is done, thank them for their time. Remain classy and well-spoken and the job could well be yours.

About the Author

Kieron Casey is a fashion writer who suggests investing in a smart suit or dress and a pair of decent office shoes to attend job interviews.

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