The day has come when your room is so cluttered that you can't even see the floor. You try to get a start on your homework but you can't even find the book you need. Do you know what this means? That it's time to clean and purge.
It's been shown that a clean, organized environment can help reduce stress. Between homework and tests, you already have enough stress, so why not take all the help you can get?
Cleaning your dorm can be a big chore, or it can be as simple as taking these three steps.
First, wade through your piles and sort through all that stuff. Take the time to do it wisely too, don't just rearrange things into new piles of stuff. An easy way to do this is to make two piles: a "keep" pile and a "get rid of" pile. As you clean areas like your desk, closets and under your bed, add each item to a pile. Be strong and realize if you haven't used it in a while, you probably don't need it cluttering up your dorm!
Trash or donate the things in your trash pile to get some new space in your dorm. Then, do a quick clean of the areas you just freed up. Vacuum the floor and wipe down shelves and storage areas. Having a clean area to work with will make a big difference as you start the next step.
Take all the items from your "keep" pile and organize them in a way that makes sense. Part of what causes so much clutter is lack of a system. Use folders, shelves, bins and closet organizers to get your things in order. Put things you don't use very often in boxes and in the backs of closets. Then arrange things you use on a daily basis in a way that you can easily find what you need.
With a clean and organized dorm, you'll be able to focus better and you may even do better in class! Now that your dorm is neat and organized, keep it that way! Don't let things pile up, but instead, put them in their proper place according to the system you set up. Spend a little time each week to straighten up, and next time cleaning and organizing your dorm won't take nearly as much time.
About the Author
Jill Hardy writes for, a place where future students can connect with online degree programs.
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