In this changing economy, you may be searching for a job that pays well and is safe from the threat of being shipped overseas. One you may not have considered is a career as a bail bondsman. A growing field, your services will always be in demand and your job cannot be outsourced to other areas.
Understanding the Job
When someone is arrested for a crime, they can be held until their trial, released on their own recognizance, or released with bail. The bail is a cash fee paid to the courts as a surety that the accused will return for trial. Most people don’t have enough cash on hand for this, but a bondsman can help. The alleged criminal pays a fee of ten to fifteen percent of the bail to the bondsman. The bondsman in turn pays the full bail. Bond fees are non-refundable, and if the defendant skips town and fails to appear, then the bondsman will track him or her down and return them to the courts.
No Need for College Loans
Unlike many careers, you don’t have to attend college and earn an expensive degree to start a career as a bail bondsman. Some states, however, may require you to have at least a high school diploma or its equivalent.
Specialized Training
Although you don’t need a bachelor’s degree, it is a good idea to get specialized training in the field. You must understand how the criminal justice system works, how the court functions, and what role incarceration plays within the system.
- Bail bondsmen cover the full cash expense of bail, but that doesn’t mean they automatically lose the money if the defendant skips town. They often require collateral to help cover the cost of bail. Part of the training includes learning about appropriate collateral and the paperwork that’s necessary to claim it if the defendant fails to appear.
- If a defendant does skip out on the bond, then you may have to track them down and deliver them to the courts. Learn about recovery investigative methods and invest in apprehension training and prisoner transport.
- Learn about the various crimes and how to recognize the potential risks involved with various offenders.
State Licensure
Bail bondsmen must be licensed before the court will allow them to post bonds and get people out of jail. Licenses are usually available through your state Department of Insurance. You may have to take special tests before the license will be granted. Obtain this information ahead of time, so you can be sure that the agency you go through for training will provide you with the information you need.
Insurance Requirements
Bail bondsmen are required to have insurance to protect themselves financially. A good surety insurance will protect you and your family should you face heavy losses from people jumping bail. A smart business move, it’s also a licensure requirement in most states.
Bail bondsmen often work long hours, and there isn’t much room for growth within the career. However, the jobs are stable and they will always be in demand. Start by visiting a bondsman to learn more about the career and see if it’s the right choice for you. Invest in the proper training to ensure that you will be prepared, and then get ready to start your new career as a bondsman.
About the Author
Ralph Adams blogs about different career options, including becoming a bail bondsman. If this interests you as a career, you can look into what services are available for training in offering bail bonds in Houston.