Transferring to MIT from Community College (The Science Behind It All)

by Chad Agrawal

transfer to mitDo you want to transfer to MIT from community college? Known for the university's emphasis on the sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a competitive school to transfer into, but not impossible. Before we go any further, just take a moment to think about your strengths and weaknesses. Will you succeed at a school that is very science oriented? If not, perhaps transferring to NYU or another university to focus on the arts may suit you better.

Ready to go on? Great. If you're going to transfer to MIT successfully, it's going to take dedication. I could say that it's more work than you can handle, but that wouldn't be true. Yes, some people study until their eyes give up on them. However, that's not very healthy or helpful to your education. We all know that well-meaning person who works very hard but accomplishes very little. To be more effective, you need a plan. Not just any plan, but a plan that works to transfer to Ivy League and Tier One universities like MIT.

What You Need To Transfer To MIT

In order to transfer to MIT, you'll need to become a top student at community college, score above the 95th percentile on the SATs, and write an exceptional transfer application. It's also recommend to have SAT II scores submitted for transfer applicants. This my sound overwhelming, especially if you have to retake your SATs, but it's worth it. MIT is an amazing school that will leave graduating with benefits similar to the ones you would get from Ivy League universities.

Becoming a top student at community college is way easier said than done. The same goes for retaking your SATs and putting together an exceptional transfer application. Even if you try your best to achieve all three but don't think ahead quite thoroughly enough, you may not succeed. That's why I urge you to go in with a plan so failing is not an option. Like any other successful endeavor, having a plan greatly increases your chances of success and decreases your risk of failure. Also, your plan will help you stay focused on your goal as you take the many steps along the way.

Proven Plan For Transferring To MIT

Now, here is where I'll unveil a proven plan to help you transfer to MIT from community college. This plan has helped many other students like yourself to transfer to Ivy League, tier 1 and other prestigious universities. Are you ready for it?

Check out "The 3 Word Truth," my very own community college transfer guide. It will give you the step-by-step system that I used to go from community college to a tier 1 university. And I'll let you in on a little secret: I wasn't a top student in high school. The guide is specifically made for students who have great potential but didn't have the best track record in high school and want to do things right in community college.

Whether you're in high school or community college, it's never too early to start preparing yourself. The sooner you get this transfer guide, the better your chances are of transferring to MIT. If it worked for me, it can work for you too!

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This post was written by Chad Agrawal

Chad Agrawal is the founder of CCTS, helping students transfer from community college to Ivy League, tier 1 or anywhere else by following this community college guide.

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