Top 5 Degrees That Prepare You For Christian Leadership

by A Guest Author

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Christian leadership, or church leadership, takes as its model the example of Christ the shepherd, and effective Christian leaders can apply the characteristics of a good shepherd to their roles as spiritual leaders of congregations and groups. To prepare for a future as a Christian leader, a degree in subject areas that are relevant to the challenges of church leadership can be helpful. The top five degrees that can support a Christian leader’s stewardship of a flock include:

Degrees in Christian Leadership

In addition to degrees in theology and ministry, a number of Christian colleges and universities offer a bachelor’s degree dedicated specifically to Christian leadership. Available at the Bachelor’s and Master’s of Divinity levels, degrees in Christian Leadership may be combined with other types of divinity study to prepare students for a variety of positions as church administrators and leaders of specific types of church programs, such as youth ministries or outreach. These degrees may include coursework in counseling, conflict resolution and church administration, and can also prepare students for careers as chaplains in military service.

Degrees in Ministry

Sometimes combined with studies in Christian Leadership, degrees in Ministry emphasize study in the Biblical bases of church work and stewardship of congregations. Available at the Master’s level following other courses of study on the Bachelor’s level, Ministry degrees prepare students for work as full-time pastors and ministers in community congregations and outreach programs. Available both online and in traditional classroom formats, degrees in Ministry combine a grounding in theology with the practical skills needed to run a church or other spiritual center.

Degrees in Theology

A Master’s degree in Theology focuses on the theoretical and spiritual bases of Christian leadership, rather than the leadership skills needed to manage a congregation or church, but this degree is often combined with studies in Christian Leadership to provide a foundation for assuming the role of pastor or chaplain. Available as either a Master of Arts or Divinity, theology degrees typically include the study of Biblical Hebrew, Greek and Latin as well as general theological studies.

Degrees in Business Administration

Offered by some Christian colleges, a Master’s in Business or Management combined with studies in Christian leadership can also prepare students to manage large churches and administer complex funding programs for outreach and other programs. Students may combine studies in Ministry or Theology with Business to gain practical skills for the day-to-day management of all aspects of a church or congregation’s financial and administrative functions.

Degrees in Psychology and Counseling

Since Christian leadership studies prepare students for service to a congregation or spiritual center, a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Psychology or Counseling combined with coursework in Christian Leadership can provide a foundation for meeting the spiritual and emotional needs of a church community. Studies in Counseling and Psychology can focus on specific areas relevant to ministry, such as family studies or youth issues, and a Bachelor of Arts in either of these areas can lead to a Master’s in Divinity, Theology or Christian Leadership as well.

Degrees in Christian Leadership and related areas are available in both online and traditional classroom formats from accredited Christian colleges and universities around the world. Degrees that combine a foundation in Biblical studies and theology with other relevant areas of study provide the support needed for successful leadership of faith communities of all kinds.

About The Author:

Maria Carver is a family counselor and guest author at Christian Degree Programs, a site with guides and information to help prospective students locate Christian degree programs online.

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