UC, the University of California, and its neighboring community colleges have a very intriguing agreement concerning admissions, and unless you're from California, it will probably come as a big surprise. Ready for it? If you want to transfer to UC from community college, you can do so with guaranteed admission!
In this post, we'll go over how to transfer to UC from community college, depending on your location and transferrable courses. You'll also find out the best resources to use along the way to become a UC transfer from community college. Knowing exactly what to do will take a huge weight off your shoulders, making this process a million times easier. So let's get started!
For California Community College Students
UC offers guaranteed admission for students transferring from a community college in California. Using their Transfer Admission Planner or TAP, you can plan out your courses with an advisor and make sure you satisfy all the requirements. The best part is that your courses are guaranteed to transfer if you join the Transfer Admissions Guarantee (TAG) program by filling out an application on the UC website.
For Out-of-State Community College Students
If you would like to transfer to UC from community college, but you're school is not in California, no worries! California public higher education has a helpful website called Assist.org. This site will let you see the transferrable courses for UC. Transferring from out of state, you are not eligible to participate in the TAG program. However there is still a way to guarantee your transfer success.
Guarantee Your Transfer Admission Either Way
Your success in transferring from community college to UC is similar to any other endeavor. It takes hard work and dedication. But, it also requires a well designed plan that you can follow to meet your goals. Making many decisions at once is very stressful and will drain you of energy, so having a plan to follow will help you reserve your energy for other things that can't be planned.
Whether or not UC offers you guaranteed admission, you can take all the steps necessary to get accepted by reading this community college guide. It contains a step by step plan of everything you need to do at community college to transfer to UC or other similar universities. You'll learn the inside scoop to becoming a top student and opening up yourself to opportunities on campus.
After reading this guide, you'll have much more confidence in your transfer from community college to UC and picturing yourself in your future residence hall. And you'll have significantly better chances of making it a reality. Your future is in your hands. If you've taken all the right steps while you're at community college, you can guarantee your transfer success yourself!