While psychology is still a relatively broad and new field of study, enormous advancements are constantly being made, thanks to the efforts of innovative researchers. Since its proposed practice and study, psychology has since branched out into a wide number of disciplines, for each of which a degree can be earned after receiving the appropriate education in college.
Abnormal Psychology
Abnormal psychology is one of the several branches of psychology and it deals with the study of unusual patterns in behavior, emotion, or thought process, which may be understood by mental disorders. While, culturally speaking, there are different understandings of abnormal behavior in the context of morality or social norms, this field of study takes the clinical approach in a medical and professional setting. To begin, the introductory approach identifies that there are multiple causes for different types of conditions, which can employ a wide variety of diverse theories from the general psychological field. Individuals who are interested in pursuing a career in this fascinating field of study will often find employment in clinics and other environments where they will have the chance to speak with and help patients through a diverse means of treatment methods.
Behavioral Psychology
Behavioral psychology is also known as behavioral neuroscience, and is the study of how the field of biology can be applied to the field of psychology. This allows for a wide variety of subjects to be observed, including the principles of biology, genetics, and developmental behaviors in both nonhuman and human subjects. Typically, the foundations of this branch study investigates at a cellular level, observing nerves, brain circuitry, and other base biological processes that typically underlie behavior. Employees in this field will often work in a laboratory environment and research non human animal models, such as mice, rats, and nonhuman primates, observing and controlling behaviors so as to better understand human pathology.
Applied Psychology
Applied psychology is the field of study that follows the application of psychological theories and principles in every day real life situations. This broad category features numerous areas of study, including mental health, business management and education, product design, health, and law as just some of the various fields that are affected by an understanding of applied psychological rudiments. Students who plan on studying applied psychology will find that the term can apply to a wide variety of careers and practices. These include clinical psychology, industrial psychology, organizational psychology, engineering psychology, forensic psychology, and healthy psychology as just some of the active fields that require the contributions of capable young men and women. While each of these fields vary vastly in terms of activity and specialization, they will all function on the same basic principles that can be picked up in an applied psychology classroom.
Health Psychology
Healthy psychology is a field of psychological study that observes the behavioral processes in health, illnesses, and general healthcare. Primarily, it focuses on how psychological and behavioral factors play a role in the physical health and the progression of illness in human beings, as well as other biological causes as understood by medical sciences. Researchers will observe how psychological factors can affect an individuals health and well being in both direct and indirect ways. Typically, this involves observing both the health and the psychological condition of various patients, while taking into account numerous factors that can each contribute a piece to the puzzle. Outside the broad field of research and careful consideration, health psychologists may also find employment in numerous locations, Some may aim to help improve the relationship between the doctor and the patient as well as provide consultation roles in clinic and hospital environments.
About the author
Ryan Ayers is a writer who creates informative articles in relation to education. In this article, he describes the different fields of psychology and aims to encourage further study with an online masters in applied psychology.
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