Students from first world countries at community colleges, 4 year colleges and universities are often looking for a platform to practice medicine in an environment which is a little challenging and different from what they are used to back at home. That is why medical electives in developing countries are on the rise. Other than working in a different cultural background, it is an excellent opportunity to learn about diseases which might not be prevalent in your country of origin.
A hands-on experience is a beautiful thing. It has the capability to enhance memory, and the truth is that once you help in the management of patient with a particular disease you will never forget. It serves you well and works to the benefit of your future patients.
A few people might wonder what I mean when I talk of a challenging environment. Diseases do not read text books, and as much as you may have the knowledge of the classic presentation, you might need a test to confirm what you may be suspecting. In the western world, any test you order will be done within a few minutes if not seconds. In developing countries, you do not have the luxury of some tests. You are therefore forced to utilize the little resources available to help patients. That is why radiographs are commoner than CT scans.
The cost of healthcare is quite expensive, especially to those who do not have health insurance. As you will figure out, these form a bulk of the ailing population. They cannot afford to buy most of the drugs, yet it is your responsibility to help them. You therefore learn how to improve your prescribing practices, where you prescribe only that which the patient needs.
Doctors are in demand in developing countries. The medical schools therein can hardly meet the demand, and their expansion will take a long while as they gather the necessary tools to increase the numbers. This essentially means that a doctor will see many patients, which works to your advantage. No single patient is like another. Within a very short time you are exposed to patients suffering from many diseases, which helps you to think broadly as you attempt to figure out what exactly is wrong.
Medical students are interesting people. They are often bright and capable of understanding concepts which others will struggle to grasp. Associating with medical students during the medical elective increases your understanding of things; it opens up your mind to see things from a different perspective. They for sure read a lot, but they strike an admirable balance between books, patients and social life. By interacting with them you learn a few tips on how to balance your life so that you can be productive all the time. There is also some joy that is derived from associating with colleagues. You connect at an intellectual level to make life more interesting.
Finally, developing countries have other interesting aspects. They have a social component which incorporates songs, dances, cultural festivities, food and sightseeing. You will be amazed by the beauty of developing countries, and witnessing these things firsthand is an annihilating experience.
About The Author:
Quin Jones has been involved in several healthcare projects in the developing world and had the chance to experience two medical elective programmes with Work The World.