5 Reasons to Appoint a Designated Driver for Community College Parties

by A Guest Author

Let me just start out by saying that I don't support drinking in community college and that it can be done after transferring from community college to Ivy League and when you are of age.

However, yes, there are community college parties and they do happen.

Although many community college students aren't actually old enough to legally imbibe liquor, it's no secret that most kids will drink and party when they get to the college level.

This can be dangerous not only because the activity is illegal, but because alcohol has the ability to seriously affect judgment, often causing those who drink to make poor decisions that they would not have made when sober.

For many, this means getting behind the wheel of a car after a knocking a few back and thinking that nothing could possibly go wrong.

But of course, in addition to impairing judgment, alcohol also dulls the senses and slows reaction time, increasing the probability of accidents.

And here are just a few reasons why college students should avoid this possibility altogether by appointing a designated driver for parties.

Less expensive than a cab. If everyone at the party throws a couple of bucks into the pot, it should cover the cost of gas for whoever draws the short straw and ends up playing the role of the designated driver. And this is bound to be far less expensive than confiscating the keys of every party-goer and then calling them cabs at the end of the night. Plus, it will ensure that everyone makes it to the right house. If attendees give their addresses to the DD at the beginning of the night there's no chance they'll end up at the wrong residence because they passed out in the car during the drive home.

DUI. Driving under the influence (or alternately, driving while intoxicated - DWI) is a serious offense that can lead to fines, community service, probation, and even jail time. For underage drivers that are found to have been drinking alcohol there are bound to be further charges and penalties, as well. And since the vast majority of college students are over 18, any offenses become part of their permanent record, which means they can be seen by a prospective employer (or anyone else) who runs a background check. In short, getting slapped with this charge (and convicted) could have lasting consequences.

Accidents, injuries, and death. Any time you drink and drive you are risking not only your own life, but the lives of your passengers and people in other vehicles. If you cause an accident while intoxicated you're going to face DUI charges at the very least. And if someone is injured you could face a loss of insurance after your provider pays out for damages and medical bills, as well as a civil suit if your insurance doesn't cover the total cost. But it could be even worse. If you are responsible for the death of another person due to drinking and driving you may face a criminal charge, such as vehicular manslaughter, that comes will extended jail time. Is it worth all that for the convenience of driving yourself home after a party?

Loss of license. Amongst other penalties, it's common for college students caught drinking and driving to have their license revoked, and the ruling could be in effect for anywhere from three months to three years. This could have a drastic impact on your life, including your ability to attend community college.

Loss of insurance. Unsurprisingly, many insurers do not like to provide coverage to customers that drink and drive. Even outlets like Cheapcarinsurance.net may not be keen to offer a policy to a student that engages in such risky behavior. Since many states require insurance in order to operate a vehicle, losing it could stop you from driving as surely as losing your license. A designated driver is starting to look pretty good at this point.

This post was written by A Guest Author

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