Attending community college can be an exciting prospect for many young adults, who rightly see college as the gateway to their future. But it can also have some negative side effects, especially in the area of health. Like any situation where many people are brought together in a small space, illness can spread pretty fast through classrooms. And there are all kinds of factors that cause students to stress, lose sleep, neglect proper eating habits, and otherwise set themselves up for health issues. So if you're worried about getting sick during your time in community college, here are just a few common health issues you should be aware of and try to avoid.
Whether you're forcing yourself to burn the midnight oil so that you can cram for a test or finish a paper, or you're suffering from insomnia due to the half a dozen energy drinks you pounded throughout the day (not to mention the laundry list of tasks that are whirling through your head like a gale force wind), it should come as no surprise that you frequently suffer from fatigue. But rather than nodding off over the beaker in your chemistry class, you'd be better served to take the steps needed to get a good night's sleep. Skip the caffeinated beverages, write a to-do list to get everything out of your head and onto paper, and give yourself time for a full eight hours of beauty rest. Study in the morning when you can actually retain some of the information you're reading.
Weight gain.
The freshman fifteen is more than just a witty catchphrase. It's a stereotype that has a sound basis in reality. While you're still young enough to lose the weight pretty quickly if you put your mind to it, the better option is to eat healthy and regular meals and sneak in some cycling or a pick-up game with friends in order to stay fit and avoid weight gain in the first place.
You can probably guess why an ailment dubbed "the kissing disease" can spread pretty quickly on college campuses, and the moniker for infectious mononucleosis is apt because the virus is spread through oral transmission. The most common symptoms are fever, sore throat, and fatigue, which is why the disease is often misdiagnosed and treated with antibiotics. However, such treatment will not help in the case of a virus, so when symptoms continue you'll likely uncover the truth. There is no actual cure for the virus, which must simply run its course, but symptoms are commonly treated with ibuprofen or even steroids to reduce pain and swelling. And in some cases antivirals may reduce the severity or duration of mono.
Mental health issues.
Both anxiety and depression are fairly common on college campuses, probably due to the number of stressors that most students face. The real problem, however, is that students don't want to admit they have a problem due to the stigma attached to mental illness. Just keep in mind that you're not alone. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) reported that 30% of students suffer from such deep depression that they have trouble functioning. And the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) found that almost half of all students have at least some amount of depression. If you remain silent the only person you're hurting is yourself. So don't hesitate to seek out the health services you need on campus.
Lack of insurance.
Medical Insurance isn't a health issue, per se, but a lack of coverage can definitely have a negative impact on your health. Students without insurance are unlikely to seek preventive care, and they'll often wait until a health issue is dire before seeking medical assistance. Even if all you can manage is insurance offered through the campus, it could be enough to encourage early treatment so that dangerous and pricy measures are not needed later on.