5 of the Filthiest Jobs that Pay Great

by A Guest Author

Life is tough. Especially in this recession, it takes a lot of hard work to earn a dollar. People are working jobs that they would not normally do because the economy is struggling, and it can be difficult to find a job in their respective fields. As workers, we all have an idea of what an ideal job might be like. We dream of doing something that we can enjoy every day while being paid well to do it. Unfortunately, that isn't usually the case. If you want to earn big bucks, you might want to take a look at the jobs that most other people don't want to do. In order to entice people, jobs that are undesirable can come with a nice paycheck. The following are some of the highest paying dirty jobs out there.

1) Coal Miner

Coal miners work in very dirty and hazardous environments. In an underground coal mine where there is little light and lots of crumbling rock, workers leave covered in a thick, black coat of dust at the end of each day. This excessive dust can eventually cause coal miners to develop a disease called black lung that can lead to emphysema and severe asthma. In addition to the extreme dirtiness of their work environment, coal miners are subject to being crushed by collapsing rock, injured or killed in a methane gas explosion, hurt by failing machinery, and more. Their commitment to such a risky job lands them a nice $60,000+ sum of money each year. Experienced coal miners may earn over $100,000 per year.

2) Garbage Collector

For most of us, tossing our trash into a garbage bin is no big deal and nothing much to think about. It becomes very natural for us to discard our foods wastes after a meal into a trash can and to take it out for removal once it becomes full. For garbage collectors, however, taking out the trash is a much more hands-on process. Garbage collectors go around town collecting everybody's trash so it can be taken to waste sites and recycling centers. They may physically handle other people's smelly, rotten garbage when loading their trucks, and spend all day inhaling stinky odors while covered in grime and food residue. We should learn to appreciate garbage collectors for keeping our world clean and sanitary. Their employers surely appreciate their hard work as they earn about $50,000 a year on average.

3) Crime Scene Cleaner

These professionals must clean up crime scenes so that regular civilians can go about their daily business without being distracted by the leftovers of grisly murders and more. From bullet wounds and stabbings to deadly falls and being hit with a vehicle, there are many ways that criminals can leave a mess behind. If you are willing to clean up blood, guts, and bodily fluids for a living, you can earn a yearly salary of $75,000 or more.

4) Gastroenterologist

Doctors are known to earn hefty salaries in return for treating people's ailments. Even though the position of physician is generally a highly desired one, the gastroenterology specialty is not a favorite among prospective doctors. Gastroenterologists are physicians that focus on treating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The GI system includes organs such as the esophagus, stomach, and intestines. Digestive problems make up for the bulk of what a gastroenterologist deals with, and they may face patients with excessive gas, anal pain, misshapen stools, and more. Gastroenterologists are often put in very uncomfortable situations since they have to endure foul body odors, seeing patients' private parts, and conversing about very personal matters. In return for their services, gastroenterologists are handsomely rewarded with $200,000+ per year.

5) Sewer Inspector

These men and women are tasked with exploring our sewer systems to identify weaknesses and problems with the framework, and some of them are required to make repairs as well. Sewer inspectors never know what they might find on a given day because people dump the anything and everything down the drain. From human wastes and bodily fluids to food wastes, toxic chemicals, scary insects, and animal and human remains, sewer inspectors must be prepared to face a number of disgusting things down in the pipes. These potty-water divers earn an average yearly salary of $60,000.

cc licensed flickr photo shared by sidibousaid60

About The Author:

Roger Wilson is a crime scene investigator (which almost made the list) and guest author at www.howdoibecomea.net, where you can learn how to become anything you want to be.

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