Language Breaks Through Barriers and Improves Life
Why You Should Learn a New Language
Learning a new language is not something that happens overnight. It takes hard work, but that work pays off in more ways than one. The benefits to learning a new language are worth the time and effort put into it, and it can improve your life. Below are listed just a few of the many benefits that come with
Your Brain
Your brain is the most important organ in your body, which is probably why zombies crave them. It is extremely important to make sure the brain develops adequately, since it controls your entire body, and there are a few methods to do so. People complete crosswords and do Sudoku. Musicians tend to be better at math. Learning a new language is one of the most effective ways to exercise the brain.
Your Job
In this day and age, it can be hard to stand out at your job. You’re on good terms with your boss; you get all your work done on time; you stay after when asked, even though you’re missing part of the big game, and it’s still not enough. Learning a new language is one sure way to get ahead at work. Multilingualism is a huge benefit to company that wishes to expand its reach, and anyone who can effectively communicate immediately becomes an asset.
Your Health
Dementia is a horrible disease that causes cognitive loss, mostly in elderly people. It is second only to cancer as a health concern. Alzheimer’s is another disease that attacks the brain. Taking care of your brain can drastically reduce the chances of getting either of these diseases. One of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of both dementia and Alzheimer’s is to learn a new language .
To Travel
Traveling is one of the great pleasures in life. To be able to pack a suitcase and fly anywhere is an amazing thing. You can learn so much from visiting another country, and learning that country’s native language only helps. You can navigate conversations effortlessly, ask for directions, order food, and generally have an easier time of things. Those who speak only one language can’t go beyond touristy places like resorts and hotels. But a person who speaks the native tongue can discover so many new things off the beaten path.
There are words in other languages that have no English equivalent, and can only be translated into phrases. Words like “yuputka,” an Ulwa word made for walking in the woods at night, or the Turkish word “gumusservi,” which means moonlight shining on water. Referring to the point above, “dépaysement” is a French word for the feeling that comes from not being in one’s home country. There are many nuances of language, and learning them can be fun.
Learning another language opens so many doors for people, and there are many more benefits to be gained. Language can help someone identify better with their culture, to help people in need, and to better understand fellow human beings. A second language breaks through barriers and improves life.